Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day #14 - Riviere du Loup to Cabano

Well - today is when we hit the start of the hills - and apparently my nervousness about them is obvious...Bas has known me for less then 24 hours and says it's pretty obvious.  But, I'm glad I've got someone to talk me through them - and besides - they can't be THAT bad, can they?

Wow - so, we got into Riviere du Loup - not a very far bike ride, and after checking email, we turn onto the main street out of town and there is a wall in front of us.  Honestly - it looked like it went straight up - regular cars were labouring a little to get up it.  And, I'm barely awake yet.  Well - here goes nothing...I made it up - it was so steep even in my lowest gear I was standing the whole way, and had to pull off onto side streets twice for a recovery spin...but, I did make it.  Bas estimates the hill was probably a 16/17% grade.

Luckily, the hill was not a sign of things to come.  We found Le Route Vert again - at this point, it's the old railway trail - with small gravel, for the most part packed down.  This is the first time on gravel since my big bail back home (got some nice scars left from that one!), and I was a little nervous on the trail.  But, because it was rail - the grade isn't as steep.  After 3.5 hours of slow uphill pedaling (in Holland apparently they call it "Fake Flats" - cause it looks flat, but you're moving about 5 km an hour slower while working harder), we started on the downhill and it was mostly coasting for the second half of the day.  By the end, I was even comfy with clipping in on the downhills - back used to gravel as long as I'm not going too quick.

In Cabano, the grocery store was on strike - so we did our shopping at dollarama - canned ham and spaghetti...mmmmm, dinner of champions!

Cabano is a neat little tourist town with a strip right on the lake...our campsite was on the beach, but TINY - and they charged us extra for two tents.  Not impressed!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

*** New Pics Up on Facebook!! ***

Not enough time to update the blog and put up pictures..and I got a new cd made yesterday, so no updates till a little later!  Made it to Hartland, NB this afternoon - on the way to at least Woodstock this afternoon.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day 13 - Cap St. Ignace to Riviere du Loop

Well, today woke up early - 6:15...again, not sure about my being allowed to camp where I did, so probably best to be up before too long after sunrise.  Packed up camp along with a group of four bikers (motor) who had also camped where I was...must've been ok.

Stopped for a big breakfast at the local resto-bar - man, they know how to do big breakfast RIGHT in Quebec. Eggs, bacon, ham, sausage, tortiere (meat pie), pate du something (a pork pate for your toast), toast, jams, and a pile of fruit with coffee!  Lots of energy - need a big day.

Just after leaving breakfast, I had another tourist pull up behind me...we decided to chat or ride for a bit together.  He's from Holland and has been touring on the bike since December...Malaysia, Thailand, Laos, China (before getting kicked out of a tibetan area...and changing the plan of cycling back home), Japan, Korea, and across Canada.  Makes my trip seem a little shorter...but, our pace is relatively similar, and riding with someone is a nice change of pace, so we'll do a day or two and see where that takes us.

We ended up doing almost 130 over more then six hours of biking...pretty good day.  Then, pulled into our parking lot of a campsite, across the street from the tackiest Tourist caslte you've ever seen - apparently it plays christmas music all year round...but, we're here, and my legs are ready to be finished, so we'll take it.

Had a great dinner - even made our own meat sauce, then some beer as a reward and bed.  Tomorrow, we see how bad the hills are going to be!

Day 12 - Quebec City to Cap St. Ignace

Well - I'm still working on figuring out a way to get some pictures up here...haven't found a cord yet, and haven't found a place to get a cd made either...hopefully soon.  Got some good ones!!

So, today was a pretty rough morning/early afternoon.  Wasn't really excited to get out of the hostel bed and get on the road.  Did get out - just in time for 11 o'clock check out, but decided to take my time.  Had a delicious sandwich and coffee from a local bakery, chilled out on the internet for a bit, read out on the terrace of the hostel - relaxed really for almost 3 hours.  But, all rest times must come to an end, and a bit more then a day and a half since I last rode, back in the saddle.  Took a little to get back used to it.....but the steep hills out of Quebec City to the Ferry were a relatively easy start. 

Took the ferry across to Levis - which was amazing.  A great way to get a nice view of the city skyline...and for only $3 with a bike!  Then, it was time to do a little climbing, which was when I decided that the night before probably should've ended earlier!  But, they were TOO bad, and then it became relatively flat.  Met up with a war vet who at one point lived in Barrie, and who served in WW2 and Korea.  He was very interesting to chat with, and was telling me about some of the plights of his couterparts in getting their pensions.  As I was leaving, he told me to visit his home town - that it was about 25 minutes for me...with his scooter he'd be only 2 hours behind!

After that, it was a pretty nice ride through the Quebec countryside - reminded me of France!  Then, the odd glimpse of the St. Lawrence as it widened out into the bay, and the beautiful mountains on the other side of the river...thank god I'm on the South Side!!

Made it into Montagny to buy some pasta and lots of fruit for dinner, then decided to make the ride to the next rest area to camp for the night...made it just before night fall.  After dinner, set up camp in the dark on a neat point out into the St. was in a nature reserve, and was free!  Still not really sure if it was for camping, but no signs.

Met a few of the locals who were out star gazing - apparently tonight is the best night of the year to see shooting stars here - so, we hung out on the rocks and saw tonnes!  Bed time...tomorrow I need to make up for a short day today!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 11 - Not Going Nowhere

Well, it`s about time I give my body a day off.  After 10 days of riding, I think I`ve earned it.  So, got up just after 8 and had breakkie at the hostel.  I`m at an awesome location - right in Vieux Quebec...the old city.  Once I got all my stuff moved out of the room, and stored for the afternoon, I was off to do some sight seeing. 

There`s a little irony in the fact I`m doing this trip on a bike, but walking KILLS my knee.  I tried to do a 3 hour walking tour around the old city and my knee was having none of it.  I did get to see the Parliament buildings, the citadel and walk the walls of the old city, and walk around lots though.  Eventually, had a coffee, then a beer, while trying to map out my route.  Decided to stay in Canada...the Maine way doesn`t look much slower - and there are two ways I could go, and I`m not sure which I want.  Being that they aren`t really close to one another, I figure it`s best to take the safe route.

After that, moved into my new room.  Then, off for some traditional Quebecois fare - a traditional meat pie - not Tortiere (which is ground meat), but large pieces of beef and some pea soup and fondue parmasean (fried cheese...mmmm).  When I got back to the hostel, met up with one of my roomates in the hostel`s cafe.  The guy working the bar took us, and others who were on an 8 day tour from Scotland and Australia, out to a place with some live music.  After enjoying all that the establishment had to offer, we made our way to hang out on the Plains of Abraham to enjoy the night view of the city with a few was awesome.  Made for a late night, and I don`t really feel like biking so much today...but, that`s what I`m here to do, right?

So - off I go again soon...gonna read for a bit and get some more fluid into me before leaving.  Today, I take the ferry over to Levy, then start further east along the St. Lawrence again.

For now, that`s all I got.  Not sure when I`ll see internet I think I`m about a day away from starting to move away from small towns  most of the time to the odd village once in awhile.

Day 10 - Champlain to Quebec City

I love may not spend much time with them, but for the most part, people are pretty awesome when they are out exploring the world in their own ways.  The guy who I ate with last night left a note on my bike with his and his son`s name and phone number in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick in case I`m in need of directions or help at any point on the rest of my journey!  Love it...

So, took my time getting going this morning again.  I`m starting to think that`s an ok thing.  Had some other neighbours who are touring from Montreal to east of Quebec who I chatted with while eating breakfast...they got off earlier and apparently were travelling fast enough to stay ahead of me to their destination.

Once I did get going, it was a pretty ok day...until the rains started.  Wasn`t a heavy rain - but, it was too warm for a rain jacket, and kind of cold without...and when you get going a little quicker, you`d be amazed at how much the rain hurts when it gets in your eyes!!  I did make Quebec - after a longish afternoon of riding and the start of the hills I`m pretty sure are coming my way after I leave here.

Once I got here, found out that Cirque du Soleil had a free show in the heart of the city.  I ended up paying for VIP tickets to make sure I got in...and it was well worth the 17 dollars.  They were on for just over an hour - pretty amazing stuff!  It was in a neat location, underneath some overpasses.  Pictures still to come once I find a place to burn a cd or get them off my camera somehow.

Afterwards, wandered around - found some live music, then a bite to eat and bedtime.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 9 - Repentigny to Champlain

Well - woke up this morning after a little sleep in and decided it was going to be a big day.  Wanted to make it as close to Trois Rivieres as I could...turned out, I made it well past it.  130 km on the day.  With another big one tomorrow, I`ll be in Quebec City to sleep. 

Today`s ride was pretty uneventful.  Had a great start - as it feels like I`ve been travelling downhill on a slow slope almost the whole day.  Honestly - minimal hills up or down...just slow, steady downhill the whole way.  Averaging almost 30 km an hour - which, with this load is a big deal.  As the day wore on, steam was running low and I started to slow - but a great day and about 5 hours in the saddle!

Had poutine again today - three days in a row.  Lots of energy, but not sure it`s the energy food I really need. 

At the campsite, I met two pretty awesome people!  First, the camp`s owner, whose name was too hard to understand when he said it (I`m terrible at french - everytime someone from Quebec speaks a french name, it sounds like they have marbles in their mouth.  Need to get better!!).   He and his family had owned the campground right on the St. Lawrence since 1930.  It used to be quite a bit larger, and he said this would be the last year he`d have it running...but, it was an awesome spot.  The ships going through the St. Lawrence passed about 300 meters from the shore here.  He gave me some fantastic pointers on coming into Quebec City (much more helpful then most of the people at visitor`s centers - here they are run by individual cities, and unless it`s about their city, they don give you much help in terms of info).

After finishing up in the office, I set up camp, rode into town to get my dinner (of champions - can of wonton soup, can of fruit cocktail, small container of premade potato salad).  Came back and my neighbour invited me over to sit with him.  He had made tea.  He was on the way to see his son in Petawawa.  We had a great visit - enjoyed my dinner, some tea and then shared a bottle of wine I bought with dinner.  Being that he was from the East Coast, his bed time came a little earlier then me and he was off to bed at about 10.  I headed down to the shore of the river to have the last glass of wine and enjoy the stars.  A fantastic evening to sit and relax!  Got a picture of a ship coming through just as I was headed to bed!

Oh - the owner says only 100 km into Quebec City - I`m looking through the book right now to see if I can find a hostel to stay in!

Day 8 - Ride through Montreal and out to Repentigny

Well, again, I had to finish off a visit and head out on the lonely road...this might be the last `real` visit I have for the trip.  But, as the family was heading out to church, I packed up my bags and was off.  Thank goodness I left when they did, as I was headed the wrong way from their place.  But, got back on track with some redone directions, and off I went. 

Stopped to pick up some fruit at a little market again - this time strawberries. They were delicious, but they made a mess pretty quickly.  Nothing like fresh Canadian strawberries!  Then, kept on the ride - beautiful morning for riding...slightly cloudy, minimal wind.  The road I was cycling on was perfect for cyclist.  As I came to the first bridge, I noticed a no cycling sign on it...but, the intersection I had passed was a long way back and it was  short bridge, so I went for it.  A cyclist followed up behind me and explained that bridges were only to be crossed if they had a bike path when in Montreal - pretty inconvenient apparently, as these often aren`t marked on maps.  ­­He wasn`t sure if we could cross at the next bridge - he was from the South Island and had been dropped by his riding companions (yes, he was maybe even more lost then me!).  So, I continued down the road - this is where grandparents should skip to the next paragraph!! - and came to another no biking sign.  Well, I like to obey the laws as much as possible, so I turned into a plaza to ask directions.  The lady I spoke to seemed perplexed by the no biking, and suggested I follow the road out of the plaza and back up onto the bridge.  Alright - she`s from here, must know what she`s talking about!!??!!  Not so much - the road I got onto looked kind of like collectors lanes - and once I turned onto the bridge (no way out by this point), I realized I had made a mistake...all of a sudden I`m on an 8 lane autoroute (Quebec`s equivalent of the 400 series highways), pedalling my butt of to the first possible exit.  It was about 4 km of awful before I got onto an off ramp.  This was scary - my lesson is now learned!

So, eventually, found the bike path and way on my way downtown.  Was headed to Old Montreal - apparently it`s where you can get everything in the smallest vicinity.  Well, honestly, I was looking in the wrong place - all I found was the gay district and a lot of pubs, bars and restaurants.  On the bright side, I felt quite proud of all the looks my spandex bike shorts were getting....I had an ok meal, with more poutine, with a couple of girls from Washington, DC before continuing in my journey. 

In the end, made it to Repentigny - about 30 km outside of Montreal, after riding about 90 km on the day.  It was starting to rain a little, so I decided to stop in at an internet cafè (trying to learn to use the french success) and hopefully  wait out the rain with some good coffee and updating the blog.  It turned out I waited out the light rain and ended up in a downpour.  So, I biked just down the street and stayed at a little too pricey a hotel for the night...made up for it by having microwave lasagna for dinner!  After a couple of beers, and a few episodes of Family Guy and Simpsons (it was kind of nice to have a TV), it was sleep time.  Hopefully a big day tomorrow - want to make Quebec in 2.5 days.

Day 7 - Cornwall to Uncle Robbie`s in Montreal

Well - I wasn`t really sure how far I needed to go today.  My maps ended at the border to Quebec - so I woke up with next to no idea where I might find myself tonight.  Turns out, I was much closer then I had expected...and started seeing signs for Quebec only 25 km into my ride.  Right before crossing the border, I had a cyclist come up behind me and decide to ride with me to his place...he was out on his morning ride.  He was from Quebec, and we enjoyed conversation as we rode.  He was there to take a picture of me with the sign as we went into the province...will have to add later - can`t figure out the french computer instructions!!

*** Lots more pictures on Facebook!!! ***
Click here to see them now!!

After he left, I stopped in at a few gas stations looking for a provincial road map....NOTHING.  Getting a little frustrated with my lack of knowledge, I decided it was time to call Uncle Robbie.  It turned out I was a lot closer to his place then I though...although we were a little confused as to where I was a the time.  So, we devised an attempted plan for getting me to him, and off I went again.  It was about lunchtime, and there was a pretty neat looking ­Resto-bar right on the shore of the St. Lawrence, so went in there - had a almond and brie sandwich with poutine and a delicious beer, in a fantastic location!  It was like a little slice of the islands.

Afterwards - continued on the ride - which, turned out to be quite a bit longer then we expected - 90 km for the day to make it through Hudson to the Ferry to Oka - but, it was a very pretty ride.  In Oka, Uncle, Charles and Arielle and it was off to my home for the night to celebrate Elyse`s birthday.

Had a great visit with the whole family - was up until 2:00 with Uncle Robbie sharing stories and laughs.  A great time all around - thanks again Mayer-Epworths for all your hospitality!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Day 5 and 6 - 1000 Island Parkway to Brockville, then to just past Cornwall

Well, today I`m meeting Heather Gallipeau (now Lisney - like Disney) for lunch, so I decided to allow a sleep in.  Todays ride is along the 1000 Islands Parkway - and it was absolutely beautiful!  Strongly recommend driving or riding it at some point if you get the chance - the Islands all have houses or cabins on them, many of which are really unique - and it`s beautiful scenery!

Stopped near Mallorytown Landing to check out a National Park site there....neat place, with beautiful views, and an old Gun Boat exhibit that was neat - for free!  Overstayed though - so, had to push to make Brockville in time for my lunchdate.  Heather and I went to a local pub for fantastic food, and my first couple of beers since leaving - they were so delicious, she convinced me to stay the night and go to a friend`s birthday, after lunch, I went down to the waterfront to finish off the book Dan and Norm gave me to read....and, then fell asleep for 20 minutes.  Thank goodness Heather came and woke me up - and brought some gatorade to replenish me!  We went back to her apartment where I got to meet her new Hubbie, Tom - who seems pretty awesome!  Visited with him for a bit, showered and off to the BBQ for the world`s largest cut of steak, some beer, a late night swim and great company.  Even a campfire to close the night out.  Glad I stuck around!

Unfortunately, all good things come to an end and the next day it was back on the road.  This time, aiming for Cornwall - goal was 120 km in the day - equalling my longest day of cycling ever!  Had to replace my kickstand first - apparently the one on there wasn`t meant for the weight I`m carrying around.  The ride from Brockville was fantastic!!  Small towns all along the St. Lawrence - history, great views, etc!  Spent most of the day on Hwy 2 with some short detours down along bike paths.  Stopped for Ice Cream and a read at a small town`s waterfront, then time to boot it to Cornwall.

The Second half of the day went pretty quickely - I was making great time and not really taking many breaks.  About 60 km from my ice cream break to dinner - and only with short stops!  Cornwall was less then exciting, but I did find a spot to get my Perch Rolls which Ryalen suggested...they were good, but I stopped literally 1 km before the Blue Anchor - which is THE place to get them.  Oh well.  Dinner was good - a whole new set of single serving friends - there was the girl making food who froze my water bottles and pumped me up for the short ride left to the campgrounds, a man from Montreal who lived in Cornwall and ate dinner with me, who is a cyclist as well, and the sketchy couple who came when he left!

Then, continued on the shore of the St. Lawrence to a beautiful sunset - and stopped at the first camp I saw....which turned out to be the world`s sketchiest trailer park - no, I`m not exaggerating....I got hit on by a 60 year old while the guys all laughed at me.  They didn`t take overnighters - unless you`re a relative.  They were hashing out a plan to make me a nephew for the night, but there were too many drinks in my new friends for them to put together a good story, and honestly, after my 2$ beer, I was ready to move on to somewhere a little less scary.

Unfortunately, sun had mostly set, so I brought out the shiny jacket, turned on the lights, and made the 1 km trek to the next campsite.  Only 25 bucks a night - a deal!!  So, had myself a campfire to reward me for my big day, then to sleep - where I got to try to tune out my 6 16 year old neighbours and their mundane conversations about all that teenage girls will talk about....

Good Day in the end...129 Kilometers!!! New Record!!

Day 4 - Napanee to 1000 Island Parkway (Landon Bay)

Well - this morning was the morning that this seemed like I might actually be able to do this...I was stiff, sore, and would love to have slept for a little longer - but, all in all, this isn`t going too badly.  Went back to the same diner for breakfast - had a tough time unclipping my pedal right out front of the place and took another spill - in front of a restaurant full of people behind plate glass windows.  But, I decided I could take it - especially since I think the restaurant stays afloat on the Senior Home next door - I was younger then everyone but the servers by at least 40 years!

   That being said - I LOVE seniors!!  So friendly - half the restaurant came over to ask about my bike, the trip, and life in general.  Most of the way out of Napanee to was farm roads until just after Bath when I met up with the lake (is it still lake Ontario there?).  Stopped at a rest stop across from Millhaven Maximum Security Prison to listen to "38 Years Old" by the Hip - and then a bunch of their other stuff the rest of the trip to Kingston.  Wow - beautiful riding here! 

Stopped in at the bike shop for some work on my gears, then to El Asador for the Midnight Special - make note any future Queens students!!  This place is awesome!  Had a visit with my old friend, the chef there, Pedro. 

After that, a trip by the old house, and down to campus - Norm, here`s a pic for you and Kelly - the ol`stomping grounds!!  Down to the waterfront to enjoy some reading, a bit of water and the rollerbladers...then on my way again.  Finally actually made it to the other side of the bridge in Kingston - even saw Fort Henry - now I have more of a context for Don`s stories.

    The ride to Ganonoque wasn`t very exciting, but it was relatively flat - and a great reward with a 2 hour visit to the beach to swim, read and just enjoy.  Night four ended with a new recipe for camp cooking - make fajita stuffing (chicken with seasoning, onions and peppers), mix with five cheese ravioli pasta, and garnish with tomatoes - wow, it was fantastic.  Then, another dip in Landon Bay on the St. Lawrence across from my campsite before bed.  Tonight was hot - just lying in the tent I was sweating - it better cool off soon, I`m sick of this humidity!

Day 3 - Part 2

Wow - I fell a little behind to say the least.  Try to catch up in the time I have this afternoon before braving the rain for 20 or so more km to get to a campsite.  So - fo finish up with Day 3 - I made it just over 90 km to Napanee.  After the library, went to the Belleville farmers market - where I stocked up on local plums, peaches and cherries...delicious!  Then, went to Subway where a man who enjoys cycling decided to join me (much to the disappointment of his wife - she seemed more interested in leaving), and we discussed the plan for the trip.  He let me know that from Belleville essentially to Montreal is really flat - should be able to make good time.  So, off to Napanee.  On the ride through the Mohawk reserve there, I had a couple of kids trying to shoot me out the window of their car with some kind of a bebee gun...or toy...or something.  They missed - so I think I won that round! 

A Church from the 1800`s on the Mohawk Reserve

After a not so exciting ride along Highway 2 - away from the waterfront, I went for a quick swim in Deseronto, then finished off in Napanee with dinner and a night in a motel...Luxurious!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day 3 - part 1

Well - I've made it to Belleville...and it's hot again.  Same weather as yesterday, and the hills from the park to here were HUGE.  But, seems I'm surviving so far.  Have a funny feeling in my right pinky, some very tense back muscles and the knee is definitely still there - but I seem to be holding up most of the way.

This morning, packed up quicker, but it was already hot at 8:45 as I walked my bike down the dirt road...I'm going to need to kick the night hawk habit and get used to getting out of bed by 6/6:30 to beat the heat and wind. On the way to the main road, saw a mother deer with two babies.  They seemed perplexed by this awkward looking animal coming towards them!  After that, on the road.  I made it about 25 km before stopping for a Smoothie and homemade baking in Stirling..and loving the air conditioning.  My apartment is looking awfully tempting already!

Then, off again - to here.  I've been told the hills will go away soon...that it's flat to Nepean, which is good - I've done 45 k and it's another 50 there...that's the goal, not sure if I'll make it (as it's already 1:30).

Well - there you have it - the first few days and I haven't broken down and cried, or crashed (although I did tumble twice yesterday - once because my shoe didn't seem interested in unclipping at a stop sign - and older woman asked me if my pride was ok...; and, later last night when I hit a soft shoulder), and I'm in pretty good spirits.  Just hoping the weather might cool down a little - like 15 degrees!

Bye for now

Day 2

Day Two - got up a little late (8:30), and realized that being on a bike trip doesn't mean I'll lose the habit of ignoring my alarm clock. Took too long getting out of camp - wasn't on the road until 10:30 - need to fix that.

Day two was HOT, and the hills were killing me...I actually walked up half of one of them. But, it was a good day - saw Dale (Miss for any students reading) Peltola just before Peterborough - she and Michelle were on the way to a BBQ - great day to sit around and enjoy BBQ and a beer - not so good for biking. After that, stopped in at the lift locks for half an hour. Then, off again. Drove by a Subway where I thought about stopping for lunch - didn't...which was a mistake. Too long before the delicious lunch I did have - I was out of gas the rest of the day.

Lift Locks

Stopped about 15 km futher down the road at an awesome park in the middle of nowhere - swam in the river, read, talked to a guy from Halifax - he gave me a delicous local plum - then back on the road for a few last hours of torture.

Finally made it to Ferris Provincial park - had a terrible attempt at making pasta and chili...too much pasta, not enough delicious chili :( Then, to bed before 11.

Day 1

Well - pictures will need to wait until I find a place to upload them...but they're coming.

Day One was good - and pretty uneventful.  Same route as I did before on the way to the cottage, so I pretty much knew what to expect.  Arrived at the Emily Provincial Park around 4:00 after a late start - set up camp, went for a fantastic swim, met some neighbours and then went out for dinner with Grandma and Grandpa at a steak house in Lindsey - much better then the food that was to come...83 km