Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 10 - Champlain to Quebec City

I love may not spend much time with them, but for the most part, people are pretty awesome when they are out exploring the world in their own ways.  The guy who I ate with last night left a note on my bike with his and his son`s name and phone number in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick in case I`m in need of directions or help at any point on the rest of my journey!  Love it...

So, took my time getting going this morning again.  I`m starting to think that`s an ok thing.  Had some other neighbours who are touring from Montreal to east of Quebec who I chatted with while eating breakfast...they got off earlier and apparently were travelling fast enough to stay ahead of me to their destination.

Once I did get going, it was a pretty ok day...until the rains started.  Wasn`t a heavy rain - but, it was too warm for a rain jacket, and kind of cold without...and when you get going a little quicker, you`d be amazed at how much the rain hurts when it gets in your eyes!!  I did make Quebec - after a longish afternoon of riding and the start of the hills I`m pretty sure are coming my way after I leave here.

Once I got here, found out that Cirque du Soleil had a free show in the heart of the city.  I ended up paying for VIP tickets to make sure I got in...and it was well worth the 17 dollars.  They were on for just over an hour - pretty amazing stuff!  It was in a neat location, underneath some overpasses.  Pictures still to come once I find a place to burn a cd or get them off my camera somehow.

Afterwards, wandered around - found some live music, then a bite to eat and bedtime.

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