Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day 12 - Quebec City to Cap St. Ignace

Well - I'm still working on figuring out a way to get some pictures up here...haven't found a cord yet, and haven't found a place to get a cd made either...hopefully soon.  Got some good ones!!

So, today was a pretty rough morning/early afternoon.  Wasn't really excited to get out of the hostel bed and get on the road.  Did get out - just in time for 11 o'clock check out, but decided to take my time.  Had a delicious sandwich and coffee from a local bakery, chilled out on the internet for a bit, read out on the terrace of the hostel - relaxed really for almost 3 hours.  But, all rest times must come to an end, and a bit more then a day and a half since I last rode, back in the saddle.  Took a little to get back used to it.....but the steep hills out of Quebec City to the Ferry were a relatively easy start. 

Took the ferry across to Levis - which was amazing.  A great way to get a nice view of the city skyline...and for only $3 with a bike!  Then, it was time to do a little climbing, which was when I decided that the night before probably should've ended earlier!  But, they were TOO bad, and then it became relatively flat.  Met up with a war vet who at one point lived in Barrie, and who served in WW2 and Korea.  He was very interesting to chat with, and was telling me about some of the plights of his couterparts in getting their pensions.  As I was leaving, he told me to visit his home town - that it was about 25 minutes for me...with his scooter he'd be only 2 hours behind!

After that, it was a pretty nice ride through the Quebec countryside - reminded me of France!  Then, the odd glimpse of the St. Lawrence as it widened out into the bay, and the beautiful mountains on the other side of the river...thank god I'm on the South Side!!

Made it into Montagny to buy some pasta and lots of fruit for dinner, then decided to make the ride to the next rest area to camp for the night...made it just before night fall.  After dinner, set up camp in the dark on a neat point out into the St. was in a nature reserve, and was free!  Still not really sure if it was for camping, but no signs.

Met a few of the locals who were out star gazing - apparently tonight is the best night of the year to see shooting stars here - so, we hung out on the rocks and saw tonnes!  Bed time...tomorrow I need to make up for a short day today!

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