Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day 3 - part 1

Well - I've made it to Belleville...and it's hot again.  Same weather as yesterday, and the hills from the park to here were HUGE.  But, seems I'm surviving so far.  Have a funny feeling in my right pinky, some very tense back muscles and the knee is definitely still there - but I seem to be holding up most of the way.

This morning, packed up quicker, but it was already hot at 8:45 as I walked my bike down the dirt road...I'm going to need to kick the night hawk habit and get used to getting out of bed by 6/6:30 to beat the heat and wind. On the way to the main road, saw a mother deer with two babies.  They seemed perplexed by this awkward looking animal coming towards them!  After that, on the road.  I made it about 25 km before stopping for a Smoothie and homemade baking in Stirling..and loving the air conditioning.  My apartment is looking awfully tempting already!

Then, off again - to here.  I've been told the hills will go away soon...that it's flat to Nepean, which is good - I've done 45 k and it's another 50 there...that's the goal, not sure if I'll make it (as it's already 1:30).

Well - there you have it - the first few days and I haven't broken down and cried, or crashed (although I did tumble twice yesterday - once because my shoe didn't seem interested in unclipping at a stop sign - and older woman asked me if my pride was ok...; and, later last night when I hit a soft shoulder), and I'm in pretty good spirits.  Just hoping the weather might cool down a little - like 15 degrees!

Bye for now

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