Sunday, August 8, 2010

Day 4 - Napanee to 1000 Island Parkway (Landon Bay)

Well - this morning was the morning that this seemed like I might actually be able to do this...I was stiff, sore, and would love to have slept for a little longer - but, all in all, this isn`t going too badly.  Went back to the same diner for breakfast - had a tough time unclipping my pedal right out front of the place and took another spill - in front of a restaurant full of people behind plate glass windows.  But, I decided I could take it - especially since I think the restaurant stays afloat on the Senior Home next door - I was younger then everyone but the servers by at least 40 years!

   That being said - I LOVE seniors!!  So friendly - half the restaurant came over to ask about my bike, the trip, and life in general.  Most of the way out of Napanee to was farm roads until just after Bath when I met up with the lake (is it still lake Ontario there?).  Stopped at a rest stop across from Millhaven Maximum Security Prison to listen to "38 Years Old" by the Hip - and then a bunch of their other stuff the rest of the trip to Kingston.  Wow - beautiful riding here! 

Stopped in at the bike shop for some work on my gears, then to El Asador for the Midnight Special - make note any future Queens students!!  This place is awesome!  Had a visit with my old friend, the chef there, Pedro. 

After that, a trip by the old house, and down to campus - Norm, here`s a pic for you and Kelly - the ol`stomping grounds!!  Down to the waterfront to enjoy some reading, a bit of water and the rollerbladers...then on my way again.  Finally actually made it to the other side of the bridge in Kingston - even saw Fort Henry - now I have more of a context for Don`s stories.

    The ride to Ganonoque wasn`t very exciting, but it was relatively flat - and a great reward with a 2 hour visit to the beach to swim, read and just enjoy.  Night four ended with a new recipe for camp cooking - make fajita stuffing (chicken with seasoning, onions and peppers), mix with five cheese ravioli pasta, and garnish with tomatoes - wow, it was fantastic.  Then, another dip in Landon Bay on the St. Lawrence across from my campsite before bed.  Tonight was hot - just lying in the tent I was sweating - it better cool off soon, I`m sick of this humidity!

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