Monday, September 6, 2010

Day 23 - Waterloo Lake to East Chester

Today was the day I supposed I would blow through the interior of Nova Scotia (my camp is near the peak of the hills - so it's downhill to the coast from here) and then enjoy some beautiful coastal views from there!  Surprise - not such a fun day at all! 

The day started pretty normal - except for a 10 km stretch of construction (response to the signs put up at every house along route 10 - "Pave our Roads" really didn't seem THAT bad.) with the grooved pavement - inconvenient in a car - really crappy on a bike!  Filled up my water at a lady's farm along the route - super friendly - her and her friend brought me inside, filled up my water bottles, and then chatted - close to 1/2 an hour about where I was going, what to see, and where I'd been so far.  I love Maritimers!!  They confirmed my downhill assessment - all the way to Bridgewater - which it was, but my legs were a little burnt out from yesterday, and there still were a fair number of hills to contend with.  I think I'm a little sick of the bike today...ready to make it to the destination!

Had lunch in Bridgewater - delicious seafood chowder with a pretty average fish sandwich.  Was told that I had to go to Lunenberg - a 20 km detour (a lot on a bike) - but, the highschool girl running the info booth didn't give me enough info on where to go to find the nice parts....I rode the detour, and missed out on the good stuff - Nova Scotia - Mr. Prior's lesson of the day - hiring highschool/uni students is fine - but you have to train them sufficiently to give info to your travellers - wasn't impressed with your information...poorly trained!

Finally see the actual ocean!! 1989 km from my doorstep
So, went farther then I needed to...but, DID get to see the ocean today.  Eventually, pulled into Graves Island Provincial Park for the night with Irish Stew and noodles, and a Wheat beer from Propeller Brewery to celebrate having made over 240 km in two days in the hills!  Even had myself a camp fire tonight...overlooking the ocean - check out the view below.  Strongly recommend checking out this camp ground if you're in the area - it was amazing and only 20 something dollars! 

Hit 2000 km today - Gotta be close to Halifax by now...right??...

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